• Slide image one
  • Slide image two
  • Slide image three
  • Slide image four
  • Slide image five
  • Slide image six
  • Slide image seven
  • Slide image eight
  • Slide image nine
Depending on which direction you come up the mountain, there should be some photos here that will help you find the Lutheran Camp
All photos taken with courtesy of P. Clay Sherrod, Petit Jean Mtn
1) photo at very top of east end of mountain
(coming up from Morrilton)
showing to stay on Hwy 154

2) sign at intersection of Red Bluff Drive
and Hwy 154 at pavilions in park
(at Davies Bridge) traveling westward

3) close-up of westward sign at Red Bluff Drive (#2)

4) sign at intersection of Red Bluff Drive
and Hwy 154 at pavilions in park
(at Davies Bridge) traveling EASTWARD

5) close-up of eastward sign

6) showing road coming off Hwy 154
(Red Bluff Dr.) going over Davies Bridge

7) intersection of Red Bluff Drive
and Montgomery Trace
(right after Davies Bridge) at junky
old Red Bluff Diner

8) close-up of sign (#7) at old Diner... turn RIGHT

9) driving NORTH on Montgomery Trace
toward Lutheran camp,
just past Red Bluff Diner
(triangle sign is Lutheran Camp)

10) TURN HERE sign for Lutheran Camp

For directions to the State Park at Petit Jean, click here.

Website Copyright © Randy Griffin Memorial Radio Club - This page updated on September 19, 2021